
What is Consultancy?

At Winterwood, we try to provide as much support, guidance and assistance as possible. Preparing for competitive entrance exams can be a stressful process for all involved, and so we offer a range of consultancy options to help provide insights, accurate benchmarks and targets, and holistic services to mitigate nerves and address any unanswered questions. Being able to call on a consultant, or to gain an insight into the process, can be an invaluable service which is rarely offered by tuition agencies. Our tutors are supported by the work of our experienced consultants. Please feel free to browse our consultancy services, and please do enquire if you require support above and beyond that offered below.

Starting from £225 plus VAT

Assessments and Re-assessment

We try to meet all the families we work with to learn exactly what will work with our students, and to find out a little more about their characters so we can recommend a compatible tutor with the right skillset and character to forge a lasting bond. After our initial assessment, we like to check in to make sure that things are going well, and that the tutor and student are working productively together.

The re-assessment will comprise discussion, formative exercises, and a thorough review of tutor feedback and comments. It will take around 60 minutes in total, and we also advise allowing for an additional 30-60 minutes so that we can impart feedback and agree on action points going forward.

Starting from £395 + VAT

Parent Meetings

We try to involve parents as much as possible in the tuition process, and to ensure that prompt and accurate feedback is delivered by our tutors. In addition to our weekly assessment reports, we offer a parent meeting service. Prior to the meeting, one of our experienced consultants will convene with all tutors working with the family, and meet them in person to review recent feedback, homework and comments. The consultant will then meet with the family to impart this information, suggest how to tailor the process, and to discuss parent feedback on tutor interactions. We find that building a bridge between parents and tutors can really allow our families to understand the fine detail of the teaching process,

The parent meeting will comprise a tutor meeting (45 minutes) and a parent feedback meeting (45 minutes) to impart written comments and to discuss recent progress and set targets for attainment.

£225 + VAT per hour

Exam Feedback

Although we strive to make the process as holistic as possible, school exams are assessed rigorously and every year a certain percentage of candidates will not proceed to interview. We make every attempt to stay ahead of the curve, and so we recommend a programme of mock exams that anticipates forthcoming assessments, leading plenty of time to prepare and to target any difficulties which arise.

Our mock exam programmes are linked to ongoing management consultancy. One of our experienced consultants will either book a call or home visit to review exam papers, discuss marking and feedback, and to agree targets to be delivered by our team of tutors.

£225 + VAT per hour

School Visits & Research

One of the most important aspects of the entrance exam process – often overlooked – is the initial school visit. Many parents are unaware that the school will be extremely interested in meeting, and vetting, prospective candidates. Asking the right questions, or understanding how to appraise and compare different schools and approaches, can also be difficult.

We offer a range of school visit options. We are happy to offer a consultant who will accompany families to school visits, to prompt questions and provided assistance and guidance on tours. We are happy to liaise with schools to book visits, or to request bespoke visits or tours. Finally, we are happy to research school options; and to put together school lists or school advice documents.

£225 + VAT per hour

Available Assessment & Consultancy slots

To discuss Assessments or Consultancy please contact Nicky Haskins on

If you would like to speak with someone about our consultancy services then please contact Rachel Maitland on either 07498058525 or Get in touch